Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Year of the Water Dragon

Happy Lunar New Year everyone who celebrate, and happy long weekend to those who doesn't.

This is a long posponed post, and while the wi-fi connection is on i'll try to update. I'm pulling all nighter now, because leaving my hometown in 3AM tomorrow, now is around 10.55 PM.
Gonna be a long road, from my hometown Parapat city - Lake Toba to Medan Around 200something kms. Means around 4 hours driving, untill i reach Medan where the airport is. And flight direct to Bandung instead of Jakarta, because i have to meet my professor for my Thesis. Wish me luck everybody.

Now let's on to the night before the Lunar New Year, we called it "Sa Cap Me" means the thirty is a date before the Lunar, same like Christmas Eve. It's the night where families gathered and festive, with food and later in the middle of the night praying. We pray to "Thi Kong" means Sky god? <= need help on this one, because i don't know the exact name for it. And to Kwan Im (Bodhisatva Avalokitesvara), praying for health and prosperity and many more hearts desire.

On to the Lunar New Year, we woke up dress with our new dresses* and wishes everybody "GONG XI FA CHAI" and of course asked the elder (married ones) for angpau** hehe.... After that we went to Vihara, to pray. And usually followed with visiting relatives (Pai Ni).
* It's a believe that we must have new something (usually outfit) on Lunar, because it represents the new prosperity. It's ok if you can only afford one pair of new underwear, simply new ones.
** Angpau: Maybe everyone already know? That angpau is a red envelope that filled with money, that given from the parents to their kids or relatives that already married. I don't exactly knows why only married people can gives angpau. The married kids usually gives angpau to their parents too, and the married kids usually don't get angpau anymore, it's their turn to gives back. The nominal inside is up to the giver.

Lunar New Year is celebrated for 15 days, and the 15th days is called "Cap Go Me" means the 15th night, :) And it's the night where the angpau given is over hiks.. Yeah on Lunar we get to get angpau for 15 days from different people of course, they won't give you tiwce haha... (altho' i wish so sometimes ;p)

The 9th day is the Birthday of the "Thi Kong", and we pray at the 8th day at midnight to the 9th day. I hope you get my point, hehhe... It's the day we eat the cake, what it is called the sticky brown ones?

That's pretty much i can came up to, well just google-d if you wanna know more about this Lunar thingy yeah?

Lunar, receiving angpau and praying to Vihara

Food Festive - Sa Cap Me

My Mum and Dad

Siblings without my big sister and my angel niece, miss them :(

Praying at midnight before Lunar



Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Aula Simfonia Jakarta with Symphonia Vienna

Quick post on our gig last weekend, New Year Concert With The Soloist of Symphonia Orchestra simply wanna show you guys the place. The place itself cost IDR 120.000.000 for one day *glek* imagine how many tons of foundation is that, LOL.

We only perform one song, but it was a huge opportunity, we sung "Alleluia - Ralph Manuel". I love this song so much! Here is the link of our rehearsal before (only some of us attend,because the others had to work hiks) Rehearsing Alleluia and here's another link when we perform this song back in July 2011. Performing Alleluia

Anyway i am blessed because i can watch and hear the Vienna well known artist, Symphonia Vienna  played. And the one that came to Indonesia was the soloists of the Orchestra. My ears was pampered, altho' i have to admit that i was so sleepy at the first session. I'm not a big classical junkie :p
With 15 member that perform in Aula Simfonia Jakarta that night, Violin, Viola, Cello, Contrabass, Harp (Our own Pride,Rama Widi is Indonesian), Flute (i was flown away hearing she play), Oboe, Bassoon, Clarinet, French Horn, Trumpet (the most energetic one >.<), Trombone, Timpani let's just said that those 3 hours was an "eargasm" for me and i root for the conductor OMG!

After concert with Mr. Conductor
PS : His hair seriously bounce while he walks. I need to asked what shampoo he was using :p
And i'm so tall YEAY, naaah, it was him bend down, hiks..

Not to mention their great music talents, all i can say was they're really trouble maker. Why? I thought all the classical musicians have a serious personality, They're so warmth, and welcoming, and supportive to us (blah.. we're nothing compare to them). Also they came with this innovation but keeps the tradition. They show off their major talents on session one (<= we know they're THAT GOOD, that they can made me feel sleepy >.< my lullaby was the tracks from Dj Chuckie and Dj Avicii FYI) and they give us surprising effect on the session 2. They sing, they scream, the conductor clapping with us. They also perform 4 Indonesian folk songs (Ampar-ampar Pisang,O Ina Ni Keke, Jali-Jali, Yamko Rambe Yamko) arranged by their own member, Shi Ri.

I heard they got delayed before come to Jakarta (i believe they fly from Beijing for another tour concert), but they still can perform with no flaws. BRAVO!

Enough of that, time to show off (bear with me my dear fantabulous). *evil grin*

We watched they rehearse on screen only :(


Camera camera, capture the pretty faces of us all *chant* :D

Surely not admiring the painting, i was being narcistic :D (i still got tons of pics in front of this painting tho')

yeah America Next Top Model wannabe >.<

Rama Widi is the first Harp Player in Indonesia. He performed more than 20 times being soloist in famous Orchestra all over the world since 2005. And he didn't stop, he also enjoy to enriched his talent by taking master class from World class harpist such as Jana Bouskova, Marie Claire Jamet and lots more. He started learn Harp back in 2004 and in 2010 graduated from Vienna Conservatory with Cumlaude (In Indonesia, it equal with Master Degree). Now his aim is to "educated" people in his origin country, our beloved Indonesia to appreciate and learn the Classical Music to think and achieve big in Classical music like all the European does. We hope, no, we are very sure that we will see more from him in the future, Viva La Musica.

For me, music heals.. i hope for you guys too.

Me on One Shoulder Black Dress

I got this dress last year, approx  $30. And couple month later after i bought these dress, i saw lots of FB OL shop sell this. Some sell them a lot higher, but i saw one shop that sold this for less than $20. I was like.. GRRR!
But it's okay lah, i mean, these dress is useful for my concert dress, i can wear it with lots of different style. I would show you guys how i style-d it for these past two days.

Day 2

On day 2, we're exhausted, and i just washed my hair, so it'll be a bit difficult to back combing my hair, because it was kinda loose. And i decided to let it be.. And wear a statement necklace to make a different look from day 1.

Day 1

Day one, i wanna look lady like, so i :
1. Updo my hair (messy 5 mins updo)
2. Wear simple accesories, ring and earrings only

If you don't wanna change the dress, change the accesories and your hairstyle, it'll make a huge different on an outfit!

Dress : Korean OL Shop
Shoes : Zara
Accesorries : Unbranded earrings and ring, H&M necklace

Detail on make up and full story will be updated soon. ^^

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

GIVEAWAY WINNER (Please email me your adress)

Yeay, for a virgin doing this giveaway, i had fun! I would love to do a 100 follower giveaway soon (and this time it will be a make up session), just for something that you my dear fantabulous and me to be excited about. One of them will be a make up palette as my dear friend mr @endi_feng reccomended, thanks dear. Would love to know also what you guys been raving about. So i can save up from now to throw you guys another giveaway :)

THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING, really, i appreciate it so much.
For the winner can email me here => mada foe (click me)

But sadly not everyone can win (why i picked them based on their comment i'll underlined it fair enough that way, so nobody's questioning why :D), so i hope you all had fun too, it will be nice if you link back to me your blog so i can follow, i love to read review or just your rambling...

Winner Merry Wensin aka SeVeRuSLoVez
GFC follower : severuslove
twitter follower : @merrywensin
FB like : merry wensin

i love to see more post about review, swatch, and make up tips~ I love ur blog because ITS BEAUTY ON BUDGET (blog mu menginspirasi ku loh buat belanja, bahkan ngubah pandangan cowo ku ttg make up gak harus mahal)..:p

and i like how u make a review, i like ur posting about fashion too..(inti nya suka smua siih):D
I would like to win Asience Travel size Shine Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner. I have a damaged hair, and i heard this product is great:)
2. MUT SHOP Brush Cleanser 
Jesslyn Yunnie
"aku pgen baca lebih banyak mengenai tips n trick,make over,skincare n review produk indo,soalny kmu kliatan cantik di stiap penampilan, (bukan gombal lho :D )

dan aku suka banget blog kmu soalny sejak baca review kmu ttg produk lokal aku j...di trtrik n pgen bli2 produk lokal n cara pndg aku thdp produk lokal brubah,dlu anggepnya jelek :P (pertama kali ntn videonya di youtube lgsg cari blog kmu n follow :D keren soalny) trus review nya kmu tuh lgkp deh,bner2 asik, fashion nya jg seru, ngegigit blog kmu. prtama ga prcaya dkit lho buka di youtube org indo. wkwkwk. bner2 bisa looks beautiful with pretty budget too :)
aku pgen Brush Cleanser dari Make Up Tools ini soalny aku blm punya brush cleanser, aku pgen cobain brush cleanser pertama aku dri giveaway ini :) biar bisa jadi unforgettable my first brush cleanser in my life lol"

3. Neutrogena Hand Cream
GFC : lynlyne
FB : JessLyn Yunnie
twitter : @jezzyunnie
blogpost :

aku pgen baca lebih banyak mengenai tips n trick,skincare n review produk indo,FOTD soalny kmu jago smuanya (saya seorang newbie ni n bljr byk dri sinii)

dan aku suka banget blog kmu soalny sejak baca review kmu ttg produk lokal aku jdi trtrik n pgen bli2 produk lokal n cara pndg aku thdp produk lokal brubah,dlu anggepnya jelek trus make overnya ngliatnya bkin pangling liat atas bwah jadi BEDAAAAA bangett review kmu ttg produk2 hemat jg seru,bsa bkin bli2 mcem2 tnpa bkin "kanker" bner2 bisa looks beautiful with pretty budget too :D

aku pengen hadiah VICHY eau thermale,pgen deh ngerasain punya water thermal pertamaa, brasa segernya n bsa moisture muka akuu. apalagi di indoo yg smakin panas,psti bsa ngrasa lbh seger :) hehehee
love your giveaway <3
4. Gatsby Wax Japan (imported by Malaysia)
Uhuiii ikutan ya :)
GFC: mutiara tanjung
FB: Mutiara Tanjung

Hmmm aku pengen baca lebih banyak mengenai tips dan trick yang ga bikin bangkrut misalnya tips ngedaur ulang pakaian yang modelnya udah ngebosenin atau tips cantik DIY skin care,pokoknya yang bisa bikin cantik tanpa bangkrut. Trus aku juga pengen baca entri tentang gaya hidup sehat yang ga bikin bangrut maklum anak kuliahan terkadang gaya hidupnya ga karuan karena jauh dari ortu hehehe.

Aku suka banget ma blog ini karena tiap searching di google mengenai produk kosmetik yang terjangkau pasti yang keluar blog ini,akhirnya jadi ketegihan nih,tiap mau nyari produk diusahin cari reviewnya dulu dari cantik-isbeauty yeayyyy.

Trus yang terakhir,aku pengen banget dapetin Gatsby Hair Wax Made in Japan,buat kado adek cowokku yang bentar lagi ultah,trus barusan liat wax rambutnya dah sekarat,ckckck dasar kakak yang hemat dan ga mau bangkrut :)

wish me luck.Ok,sekian terima kasih :)
5.WATSON Compressed DIY Mask Sheet
GFC : Chino-chan
FB : Gabby Pali
Share link :
Twitter : @gabbypali
Twit link :

I would like to see more tips and trick from you.. >.< butuh masukan-masukan buat cantik tanpa bangkrut hehehe.. tips dandan cantik cepatnya (love this one soalnya pagi-pagi mana sempett dandan lama-lama), review cheap but great make up productsnya, skincare.. Soalnya dari baca-baca blogmu jadi banyak menemukan pencerahan baru dalam berdandan, pokoknya hematt.. xD

Suka sama gaya outfit km juga.. Simple but looks so nice. Secara ak paling ga betah pake baju yang ribet-ribet buat daily hehe.. Inspire me to post my outfit on my blog too :D

And I would like to win watsons 15 pcs of DIY mask soalnya lagi demen sheet mask heheh :D

Thanks for this lovely giveaway ya dear..
6. Vichy Eau Thermale = This is a tough one >.<

FB Like : Sha Aullia
GFC Follower : Sha Aullia

aku pengen lebih banyak bacaa post kamu yang tentang FASHION! because i'm in love with yourstyle madaam :)(sering keracunan liat TO super sekseehh ala Kim.K di FD!) apalagi aku paling suka kalo mau gaya ngga mesti branded (pengadopsi gaya cantik-isbeauty sepertinya) hehehe... kalo liat2 blog kamu aku suka make up+skin care, namanya wanita, paling suka baca2 yang perlenongan sama perawatan muka hehe, cantik kan ga mesti mahaall (mahasiswi, maklum :p)

akuuu pengen dapet Vichy Eau Thermale..
padahal kagak tau apaan ituu... hihi..penapsaran :D

eya aku reblog post kamu di

I thank you all who had joined my first giveaway from the bottom of my heart, remember my dear fantabulous, you are beautiful inside out. They said "beauty is pain" TRUE. But they also said that "MONEY CAN NOT BUY TASTE" oh so ME :p we always can cheat on decorative make up and DIY Fashion item, but don't cheat on your beloved ones, all right? Haha....

The prizes will be sent to your home by monday, because i have gigs in Jakarta for January 14-15 and will be back in Bandung by early morning on moday.

See you on next giveaway... Lots of love!

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Swatch NYX black Label Lipstick

And when my friend drove me home earlier, she decided to hang out in my room for a while. And made quite a damage! She literally throw away anything from my traincase and played with it, doing swatch and yeah we had fun. She just being silly and the positive thing was i realize that i have this NYX lipstick that i never worn! Dooh.... it hide under the traincase covered with shimmering powder which i rarely wear.

So this is the late night narcism, we took pics and doing make up. I decided to practice what i learn from Kelas Dandan, and it was quite satisfaction.

NYX Black Label Lipstick in Cherry (BLL 105)

L : Australis Mineral Inject Foundation in Golden Tan - R : NYX BLL 105
 (Bottom L : swipe once R : swipe twice)

Swatch on lips, i added orange lip gloss to it, and loving the result

The left pic was earlier today around 2 PM, using Australis foundation. Right pic was having fun on the photoshoot while doing swatch post :D

I love how the foundation turns out on my face, will do a separate review about this.

Face : Sari Ayu Moisturizer, Australis - Golden Tan, Fanbo TWC - Gaharu
Cheek : Ulta Bronzer, Amuse Blush Palette
Eyes : Sari Ayu 25th Anniversary Palette (dark blue, tosca, and cream), NYX jumbo pencil White as base, Lyra eyebrow pencil in darck chocolate.
Lips : NYX BLL 105, lipgloss on the center of the lips.

Picture spam (MY FAVOURITE PART) *evil grin*

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Kelas Dandan Looxperiments

Hey ho, done stealing pics! I forgot to take pics with my digicam, yeah... can i be anymore stupid? They're so nice allowing me to grab some of the pics :p
The full picture, you can have a sneak peak on their facebook page

I came late, 30 mins, so i miss the introduction part, and the beginning of the class. >.<

Kelas Dandan Looxperiments


Last Sunday, Jan, 8th, 2011. Held in @WarungNgebul at Jl. Dago No. 230 Bandung, the owner of this cute resto is @Vabyo, he's a writer, very talented man, i read one of his book already, and if got some cash would run to get another book he wrote.
I like the place, they're not that big, but cozy, you feel like you're dining in your lawn, and the menus, is GREAT BUT CHEAP. I love almost all of the food there, that's why i'm so excited when i knew that the Kelas Dandan will be held in Warung Ngebul. And surprisingly, i can order my fav menu, it was included in the fee for this Kelas Dandan, yumm!!!

Who is the tutor?

The Kelas Dandan event was thrown by @looxperiments, i can't believe i just knew them. WHERE HAVE I BEEN!!!!! I knew looxperiment from talented Mr. @Endi_Feng, and i just can't stop reading it, they review great products, and they have weekly event, like an experiment on make up look (they throw so many already, from flapper to gyaru look). You guys can submit your look to their FB Page or Twitter base of that week theme, everybody is welcome and invited. So what do you waiting my dear fantabulous, grab your make up kit and start doing your face :)
Looxperiments admins are Vina @akanebina for make up, Lidya @just_lidya for hair do and helping the contestant with make up also, Okke @sepatumerah as "victim" that day for practising make up hehe and the talented photographer, Yullie @13vyl the helper,she livetweet the event on twitter.

Kelas dandan have 2 curriculum, make up party and hair do. I only take hair do. Because i was so lazy when it comes to hair, and don't have the passion >.<


After given the freebies kit (who doesn't love freebies) such as, make up brush, make up sponges, falsies we got prep on face(cleansing), and do the eye make up first, afterward, we go on and put foundation, learn to contouring nose and cheek, and putting falsies doooh... the most intriguing part of make up haha...
The event take longer than i thougt, it was full of laugh and fun.

After done with make up, they threw a doorprize, a lot of it from beauty book to eyeshadow! I didn't win *sobbing* :p

Now on to review shall we, ladies, don't worry i'm being brutally honest too, like i did on FD Kelas Dandan
Note : Not that i didn't love the kelas dandan that was held by FD I LOVE IT, trust me but will submit for the advance one next time, but i feel more home-y and comfy in my own home town (cliche, i know) :)

Love :

*The ambience is so friendly and home-y. Make the newbies really comfortable and not hesitate while the progress, the interaction process is nice between the tutor and the contestant.
*I learn some new tips, and realize every teacher have different way of putting make up. Who is right or wrong, well they have explanation for that. I think it's just a matter of preferences, such as, what first? Eye make up or foundation? Nothing wrong if you want to use your foundation before eye make up. <= Embrace all the new knowledge and if you can apply that, then it's good, if you stop learning then it's already a FAILURE, right my fantabulous??
*For such a cheap price for knowledge, they charge IDR 275k (approx. $ 30 if using $1 = IDR 9k) for make up and hair do we got food also, not only meal, but from appetizer to dessert, i skipped the yummy dessert because i have to run to another gig, sadly :(
*I did some chit chat with Okke, and she said if the contestant was more than 10, they will separate it, wow such an non-profit thinking. It means they're really sincere to share with us the knowledge and make each of us can practice at home by ourselves. Nice thinking!
*They do keep wanna keep in touch with us, the contestant, they asked for our data's such as names, blog (if have),twitter and email.

Hate :

*Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against the place, but i feel bad to the owner, many customers came and they didn't have the tables, half is full to the event. As a daughter of restaurant owner and studying marketing, that was called lost sale hohohoho.. BLAH <= reminds me, i have to get my thesis done hiks!
* I hate the lighting, for me that have minus 7, i need more lighting when doing make up.

What i think they can improve in the future?

Overall i love the event, to know more people, to learn new things, and to keep in touch, i got many new friends. I would love to attend another Kelas Dandan with different type of curriculum, maybe "How to Apply Make Up for Other?", and oh yeah maybe for the next event for Kelas Dandan they can give like some kind of suggestion, of what newbies should have in their make up case? Last but not least, me myself like to be told what gone wrong with my make up, some kind of feedback, what did i did good at the class, what should i practice more in the future.

Enough rambling, i know you all wanna see my pretty face *vomit* hahahaha... joke ladies :p
Sorry i only grab my pictures i have to respect their copyright hey? ^^ You can have a sneak peak on the link that i give you on the top of the post.

Before - After


@just_lidya tutoring me

@just_lidya doing hair do

@akanebina doing eye make up

@sepatumerah and @Vabyo

Sneak Peek to My Traincase (Face)

Inspired by @Loullah and as requested by Ephong, i will give you my fantabulous a tour. It may not much, compare to other beauty blogger's but these are my babies, and i am proud of them haha...

Well, i decided to make this section, because i always have love to peek at other's traincase. Yeah, it gives me pleasure to see those beauties, same as ai love to watch make up in progress. Don't you guys just amazed by before and after the make up is done. Well, in my case i do!

Without further a do, here what i have on my traincase now.

Left :

ZA limited edition compact
Concealer palette (no brand)
Australis Foundation
Maybelline Fit Me
Palladio Wet & Dry Powder
Maybelline Dream Smooth Mousse
Milani Creme to Powder Foundation
Naturactor shade 151

Right :
Inez  concealer
Inez Satin Liquid Foundation
La Tulipe Cover Foundation
Sari Ayu Foundation
LT PRO Foundation
PAC Cream Foundation

I got another palette from LT PRO, consist of three Dual Function powder, in Dark.

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Haul Gone WRonG

Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.................. i bought these gorgeous nude heels. Ok! I admit, my fault, been promising not to buy another shoes, but come on! Just one pair :blush: and it was 70% sale, plus i want i NEED a pair of nude shoes, PLUS IT's (supposed to be) MY SIZE 35 du du du >.<

I bought it in the afternoon, so they said, if wanna buy a pair of shoes, better bought it at noon or night, because that's your true size. I don't know if that's true or not, or the logic explanation behind that, that's why we have google i think hahaha... If you girls curious just go browsing, i can't help on that :p

Anyway, when i bought it, i was trying it walking around the store, and the next store to show it to my bencongs, and they were like," LUCKY b*tch, how'd you get one pair of that with less than $10?" <= TRANSLATION, THEY LIKE IT, LOL...

But, the misery begin yesterday when i wanna wear it to attend my buddy's wedding. Mama, my shoes ain't fit me no more (singing in RnB style). Now i'm sad, literally, i'm gonna take it to mr.shoe man, to fix it, adding something maybe? I don't know, i just wanna wear it, badly.. huhuhuhu... :sobbing:

My Beloved Make Up Now and Then

I've been raving a lot about my beloved Inez eyeshadow and wearing a lot of Amuse blush palette on my FOTD.

Now they look like this, some almost hit pan. And the Amuse was fall twice and cracked, but i fix that with alcohol, and they look ugly, but the pigmentation is not changing. Love it!

Vienna - Venice - Pattaya
I seriously want Inez Palette, quite forgot about it for several month, but yesterday when at Kelas Dandan, i was using Sephora Color Play - 5 in 1 Palette and blah... not loving it.
Why? Chalky, and not pigmented! Even with my beloved Aubeau eyeshadow base. It faded after 4 hours application. But to be fair, it did a good job for them that has NC 20-30 skin tone. Not for me, my lid didn't appreciate them much LOL...

PS : Inez Palette cost not more for $50 (approx IDR 450k).
Consist of : 12 lipstick, 2 concealer, 20 eyeshadow, 6 blush on, 5 face powder.


Yesterday i had a lot of gigs. Attending my best bud's wedding early in the morning. For the holy matrimony and straight to reception. Meet a lots of colleague and former classmates was always fun, huh?

Except the part that i only slept 3 hours the night before, well i'm grumpy and sleepy the whole day. Not good, especially after the wedding i have to attend @looxperiment #KelasDandan. I came late hiks.. because of the traffic. But gladly i didn't miss much. Yeay... I will do a separate post about this kelas dandan, because i forgot to take pictures i am planning to steal their pics :D hahaha...

Afterwards, i have another gig. Meeting up with my beloved Grown Up Club Miss them so, it;s so hard to find a time and place where everyone can meet up. We missed @KakaNina last night! But i am so happy, i can met my cute nephew, Mas Fatir.... I haven't met him since he was born, last July, bad Iie-Iie (Aunty in Mandarin).

Faces can't lie, i'm exhausted!!! But happy to meet my bencongs. Left : Nike, Center : Yosephine Maria, Right : Me :D
Love the idea of the standing lamp @ Plate For Me, A new cafe on Jalan Riau.
Wrong setting of my camera >.<
Late that night Momo, Firly, Niko, me, Dimas and Uwie and Mas Fatir already went home, my cute Fatir need his baby nap :)

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

DIY - Room Project Progress (Part 1)

I have so many stuff, and realize it. It was so messy lah my room! Seriously, everything is everywhere! And since i'm planning to get my own house (renting it first probably) i don't bother to buy anymore stuff. Just using the stuff that i already got to do this Room Make over.

So what did i do?

I re-arrange my room, which cost me NOTHING but muscle pain. <= Thanks to my laziness when it comes to work out.. du duu duuu... From early "today's outfit" section you guys realize that i put my vanity near my bath room right, and the mirror is right in front of the bathroom. Not clear enough but here's hint on my previous vanity section.

Collecting stuff and divided by its place, ex : vanity in one place ( i did it, but somehow it got messy every time, why oh why :D )

Using a theme! Ex : This month theme is blue, since i change my bedsheet to blue color, i covered up everything in blue. Next month is batik, so batik hunting is on <= Just another reason to shop, sadly i admit.

Humiliation begin! 

This was my room looks like for one year >.< (and i found the baby Belle pic daughter of the house manager,she is so cute, now she can talk, and already in pre-school)

 Next to my lappie corner is my refrigerator, now MOVED already :D
 NOW :D (after re-arrange)
I haven't got a chance to do a full make over, because i still hunting for the organizer, went to Ace Hardware, got few items that i like, but want to compare it with muji.
Right now i'm quite satisfied, my room looks bigger and of course tidier hehe... with ZERO dollar that is why this post is posted under DIY section.

Still look a bit messy, TV, below is my curler and dvd player, next is my dvd's rack (mostly romantic comedy, i'm helplessly romantic, need to upgrade my version of fairytale SOON, LOL), lappie, next is my vanity table, and spot where i take pic.

Next to it is, my refrigerator, bath room sink (wastafel), and my bath room.

Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

First Giveaway - Non Sponsored :D

Happy blogversary White Lotus : Beauty on Budget

Since the Beauty Resolution in 2012 for me is Healthier Skin. I would like to make this giveaway about grooming and skin, product consist from shampoo to brush cleanser.

This is what i came up with, may not much but this is something free for you my dear fantabulous to show my appreciation.

Asience Travel size Shine Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner - For dyed hair

Brush Cleanser from Make Up Tools

Neutrogena Hand Cream

 Gatsby Hair Wax Made in Japan - Perfect for your pixie hair, or your boyfriend probably? :)

Watson 15 pcs of DIY Mask Sheet

Vichy Eau Thermale
Rules :

Let's make things simple and easy... For Indonesian Follower only!

1. You must be either a follower of my blog or twitter, and liked my FB Page

2. Answer this question, "What do you want me to post more about in the future, and what do you liked most about my blog. And what product do you want for your prize from those products above". You can use English or Bahasa Indonesia.
ex : "I would like to see more post about .........., and i love your blog because ............, i would like to win..............." 
Makes it as creative/funny/or in your own word as you can, because i picked the winner myself, based on your comment.

3. Please re-post this giveaway in either of your blog or mentioned me on twitter or comment in the pictures on my FB Page. You can do it separately, if you did three of them (re-post, mentioned me on twitter and like my FB pages it's more chances and more products for you to win, fair enough huh?).
You can only comment once a day (if you join this giveaway from FB Page or twitter).

If you re-post, please comment on this post let me know the link.
 4. Because i have gigs next Saturday and Sunday, the giveaway will end on Friday the 13th (kinda spooky >.<), and the winner will be announced at midnight right before or probably early in 14th. So i got a chance to let you know, and you can send me your address. All prizes will be shipped on Monday 16th. Free shipping!

I hope you all entered my giveaways... Love you all my fantabulous, i'm nothing without you guys.

Translation / Terjemahan

Peraturan :

Hanya untuk Follower yang tinggal di Indonesia.

1. Harus udah follow blog ini, atau follow aku di twitter, atau liked FB Page - ku.

2. Jawab pertanyaan ini "Pengen baca post tentang apa dari blog-ku ke depannya, apa yang paling disuka dari blog ini dan kenapa, pengen dapet produk apa dari giveaway ini"
Contoh : Pengen baca lebih banyak tentang skincare, dan suka blog ini karena........., aku pengen hadiah........
Karena komen akan dipilih oleh aku pribadi, komennya yang agak menggigit ya book :D kreatif ato lucu atau mengharukan juga boleh hehehe...

3. Harus re-post tentang blog ini di blog kamu, dan kasih tau link-nya ke aku lewat komen di post ini. Kalo kamu cuman mau ikutan dari twitter atau FB Page aja jg gpp, tapi dibatesin komen sekali sehari dengan format kalo twitter mention aku dan jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tadi. Kalo di FB page komen di bawah foto dari produk yang dipengen sesuai dengan format pertanyaan di poin 2. 
Sehari cuma boleh sekali yaaaah.
Kalo re-post, trus mentioned di twitter, apalagi liked FB Page brarti kesempatan menang lebih banyak, toh???

4. Giveaway ini ditutup tanggal 13 Januari 2012 hari Jumat depan, pemenang diumumkan setelah tengah malam, brarti tanggal 14 dinihari. Akan dihubungi, untuk proses alamat dll buat pengiriman hadiah. Ongkir ditanggung aku kok. Dan hadiah akan dikirim Senin tanggal 16 Januari 2012.

Gak ribet kan, ikutaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan ya semuanya. Makasih ^^

How i Lost 10 Kgs

Well, on Fd and Twitter everyone's been asking me about how did i loose my weight?
To be honest, i don't know. Probably staying late, and stress caused it.
But i did notice if i eat properly, 3 times a day and stick to the timing, it helps me to loose weight! I'm not an expert of anything, but that's how i did lost it. And it's not on short term, probably about 2 years till i got my current weight.

After i got back from Italy last July, i gained like 6 kg. And now my weight is back to normal, 44kg.
I never bother to check my ideal weight or whatsoever, as long as i feel comfortable. And my weight never pass 55kg, usually 53 or 54 kg the max.
Thanks to my fellow blogger Miss Fifi from she reminded me to tell you pretties about my height, haha.. i forgot that essential information.
Well i'm 150cm/44kgs right now, and i don't know how to calculate the ideal weight, but some people do tell me that i have to loose a couple kgs to get to my ideal weight.

I don't think i will be able to lost anymore kgs, because my cheek and under eye will look seriously bad, not fresh at all. And with my body shape that has so many curves, i'm happy with what i am now, i just want to be healthy.

Honest, i didn't take loose weight pills, or medication whatsoever. I eat properly because i have gastric and it did helps, and the negativity of staying late until dawn did make a serious damage to my body, so i did loose weight but not in a healthy way last 2010 and 2011. <= Please don't follow this step, seriously unhealthy!!!!!

You ladies should probably eat 3 times a day and manage to eat at the exact same time everyday, and not to eat after 7 it did helps. Cliche, but it's the healthy way!!! You prefer healthy body even late progress than quick progress but your body is gonna pay for it later?

My friends also told me that with eating less fried stuff, she can manage healthier body and skin and loose weight in several months.

Here what i look like back in 2009 and early 2010.

Me, 2 days ago

Outer : Forever21
Dress : Korean Ol Shop -FB
Tights : Sogo - PVJ
Shoes : Catwalk - BTC
Syal : H&M
Belt : unbranded