Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

How I Store My Brushes

Famous make up artist, i tried to find out who his name was but forgot and lazy to google it out *forgive me* says that, " When it comes with make up, if your budget is tight go with brushes instead of decorative product". -It's by Darwyn Tse-

Make sense, because the brushes is essential to apply your decorative beauty product. Yes finger is the most effective tool and FREE but when it comes to apply foundation, loose powder and eye shadow it's just too much work, in my humble opinion :D

Most of my brushes isn't branded.. i buy it separately one by one, not all in one time. And there's some E.L.F brushes and coastal scent brushes that i still not get yet because it took like 3-4 weks to get to Indonesia. I ordered my upcoming brushes from a spree that FD's member offered. But sadly the E.L.F brushes is out of stock, instead of getting refund i decided to wait a month longer. But i think my coastal scent brushes is coming soon, our prediction is not less than 1 week more *YEAYY*

Usually i stack them altogether in standing tube, but it's kinda hard to get one of them if i need to use one of the brushes. So it take like forever to choose one brushes, which is i don't like spend too much time on make up, i prefer doing my make up quick :D

And when i saw one of my friend, she's majoring in design btw, bring her pencil n brushes case, i was like.. FINALLY i got a new style to store my brushes. I know later that many of the FD member already use it to store their brushes and make up *DANNGGG*. But thinking about buying it online which takes time to arrived in my place... i decided ah later on lah...

But when i went to get myself a measure ribbon in a store near my uni, i saw there's like one box exactly like my friend is using. I got excited, not to mention the price oh so cheap $2.2. I got the big one, the medium one was like $1.5 and the small one was $1.3.

Curious? Here's how it looks like *big grin*

the full look and the seal is pretty good
it got a separator inside that you can customize with your need
if using the separator

the separator is good, it has like line on the top that makes you easier to pull off

it fits all of my brushes and sponge
when opened
I didn't put my beauty blender sponge and ecotools brushes inside because i got the cute pouch along with the brushes so i put them inside my train case. And this box is so multipurpose and makes me easier to travel even it fits inside my train case. So happy i finally get this :D

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