Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Try to lose my weight

Hai beauties ;)

Based on my new year resolution, which is I want to lose weight and shape my body, I think I should do now. Not later.

I know it’s hard, and sure I really lazy to do it. I write what I want to do in a memo, just like my diet diary. I will write every night before I sleep, what I did in a whole day.

For the easiest step, I will try for 10 days.

Oke, now what I will do?

First, I want to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred again. Wohooo.. I bought her dvd last year, in the early 2013. I tried, but I never completed the programs, because I’m lazy *LOL*

So, who is Jillian Michaels? Anybody know her? In Indonesia, maybe Jillian wasn’t as fame as in USA. Jillian so famous because she is a trainer in “The Biggest Loser Reality Show”, which is the reality show didn’t show in Indonesia. So bad :( 

And how can I knew her and her dvd? When I googled about “which is the best dvd program to lose weight?”, the answer is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I search for the before and after pictures, and the result was amazing. You can click here, and here to see the results.

Jillian make this 30 day shred into 3 level. Level one is for first 10 days, level two for second 10 days, and level three for third 10 days. But, If you think you bore with the level, which is you do the same things for 10 days, you can skip to the next level. But if you think the next level are harder, you can still doing the same level for 30 days. Every level just consume 30 minutes of exercise. Contains warm up, and cooling down.
If you want to know more about her, you can like her facebook fanspage, and follow her on twitter. And want to know much about her dvd program? Simply you can go to her website to know more about her.

And I found this on fitfusion, what should you do to shape your abdomen muscle. and this workout (all of this workout), you will get in Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

Just exercise, of course not. I want to try intermittent fasting diet. Because you are what you ate ;)

In Indonesia, intermittent fasting diet know as Obsessive Corbuzier Diet (OCD). And who is Corbuzier? His name is Deddy Corbuzier, a mentalist and an entertainer. He share his diet on his talk show, and his website, so this method of diet become so popular in Indonesia. If you want to know more about him, you can simply like his facebook fanspage , follow him on twitter, and download his ebook about this diet. don’t worry, Deddy wrote the book for free, horeee.. and available in Indonesia and English.

So what is Intermittent fasting diet? this methods of diet separate your eat time. For simple like this :

·         8 hours for eat, 16 hours for fasting
·         6 hours for eat, 18 hours for fasting
·         4 hours for eat, 20 hours for fasting
·         Fasting 24 hours

And the rules when you do this diet is :

1.      You are not allow to eat after wake up. You can eat at least 3 hours after you wake up. For the simple say, you must skip your breakfast. But you can still drink water.
2.      When you do the fasting hours, you are allow to drink water, coffee, or anything has 0 calori. Remember, 0 calori. And the fruits has calories, so you can’t eat fruits

Seem scary right? No, it’s not so scary.

For the example, you do 8 hours for eat, and 16 hours for fasting. You wake up at 7 pm. You allow to eat at least 3 hours after wake up, which is at 10 pm. What should you eat? Anything you want. But not too over. From 10 pm you have 6 hours for eat (until 5 am) , and stop. It’s time for fasting hours.  And eat again tomorrow morning at 10 pm. But when you in fasting hours, you still allow to drink water.

If you can do this just like a week, next week you can move to another. Like 6 hours for eat and 18 hours for fasting, or 4 hours for eat and 20 hour for fasting.

And what its 24 hours fasting? It’s like you eat once at 11 pm, and you allow to eat again tomorrow at 11 pm. But, Deddy just suggest 24 hours fasting just to do once in a week.

If you still confuse are this method of diet safety for you or not, or the reason why should skip the breakfast, you can read his ebook. Deddy very clearly explain the reason.

Actually, Deddy has write the exercise you can do along with this diet for get optimal result. But I want to combine with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.
And ladies, you can like fitfusion facebook fanspage, if you are try to find some motivational quotes for losing weight, and find the amazing trainer to help you get your best body in your life (including Jillian Michaels) ;)

 and these pictures I took on January 10th. I will start to do my lose weight programs on January 15th 2014. I hope I will keep on the line :D

 you can see how fat I am, hihihiihii

You can see I can't buttoned my dress*LOL*

I hope I can do it for the first ten days and I plan to write down the progress from this exercise and diet.

See you soon beauties ;)

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