Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Endi Feng #dandanYUK Casses

Hello my dear fantabulous, had a great day so far? I got up side downs this few days, but thankfully i got so many friends that got my back. And gives a good feedback, so i'm thankful. I hope you guys made a good friendship too, sometimes it last longer than your love relationship, LOL.

Anyway, Endi (i'm confused how to name him, beauty junkie/beauty guru/MUA he's all that) were so kind to invite me to be a model for his student for #dandanYuk Classes on early March. He got the classes for two days, and i attend the second day, i was so thrilled and feel very very lucky my face has given a chance to get a free make over.

Located at Coffee Cabin, Jakarta i went from Bandung early in the morning, so during the classes (nice ambiance, Endi's soft and skillful hand really pampered me) i  feel sleepy, and lost for like 5 minutes, sorry Endi >.<
I love Coffee Cabin, in fact thanks to Endi we would have a gathering on April there. I will tell you later about it, now let's focus on Endi!!! :) Great place, lots parking space, free dessert, free karaoke, GOOD FOOD. I love the place really.

Before the class began, he told me to eat first, he was such a great host, and after the student for the day arived, we had big lunch before get the lessons started.

There were two session, first Natural Make Up and second Runway Party Look, of course the techniques and application were customized with the need and knowledge of the client. So don't worry if next time you want to be a part of Endi's #dadanYuk Classes, it's from the beginner to pro.
Analyzing latest trends, and applied it to your face is Endi's specialization.

Ah you can take a peek on his #dandanYUK classes on this post (courtesy of Endi's blog)


Meet the lovable Lia everyone

She did all her make up! Following the instruction of Endi as a tutor of course, while Endi was doing my make up. So it's kinda learn from watching, i think it's an easy way to learn. Watch, Copy, Practice. And during the classes, of course there was a lot of questioning and chit chat-ing and laughing. So fun! I didn't feel tired after a long make up session (approx. 4-5 hours long).

From the price, it's a very affordable price (if i say, CHEAP for Jakarta standard rate) Endi only charge less than $30 (IDR 200-ish) *quite forgot sorry* include food and beverages (whole lunch set), coffee break, and falsies also included. I say you would be crazy if you didn't want to be a part of this next time he throw another event. I personally would love to join, on how to do other's make up (i hope Endi read my post, LOL)

Okay now on to my pictures and the rest of the during-after classes photos, enjoy girls. Feel free to drop any question i would try my best to answer it, and you can go to Endi's blog or twitter, he updated twitter a lot lately than his blog (hey, don't abandon your blog boy-o :D) @endi_feng

face half done

teaching how to touch up the make up after few hours of application

Thank you again Endi, and Love you girls for keep reading my post.

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