Lipstick is one tool that is - in cosmetology- required to use women. In order for an "investment" is not fast eroded, would be better if you can maintain and store as possible. The following make up tips are divided by Rona Berg, in his book, Beauty: TheNew Basics.
* If you take the lipstick, tube is not going anywhere, it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator, because it will last longer.

* If you want lipstick last longer, use a lipstick pencil as a base first. Give the frame line around your lips with lipstick pencil. Choose a lipstick color nude pencil if the lipstick that you will use bright colors.
* To look more natural and younger lipstick, use a lipstick tube directly on the lip for lips that tend to cover large.
* To avoid lipstick stain teeth, insert your index finger to mouth, right in the middle of the lips, then close lips, pull your finger. Time lipstick is the possibility of the teeth will be lifted by this finger.
* You are in a hurry, and could not find a blusher? Use your lipstick in place of blush. However, never use blush instead of lipstick.
* If you find a lipstick that you buy more light than you might expect, remove it and give it a dark color lipstick under the lipstick. Or, add dark color lip gloss on it.
also read: skin care tips for teen
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