Today, i went to a police station. I have to report for some missing important documents, such as bank book. Because my wallet's missing and unfortunately my bank book also missing (i think when i was still living in the old house) and i can't withdraw my money if i'm don't have a statement from the police.
After my new ID arrived yesterday, today i can finally go to the police station to report. But guess what, when i arrived there... there's only two officer on the station, tv is on... and one is sleeping, the other is making out with a girl. Really they're cuddling and laughing, which i think it was sweet, IF THEY'RE NOT DOING IT WHILE HE'S STILL ON DUTY!!!!!
I knocked at the door, and this un-believable girl just stare at me. Didn't even feel sorry that i caught her making up with that officer. My my.. i keep knocking, and he was like in shock and you can tell it from his face that he feel sorry that someone caught him in not the proper situation.
Finally i asked can i get a report done here, he said can but the officer that was assigned to this are out somewhere. And suggest me to go to other police station, i asked, why he can't do it. He said that, HE WAS ONLY ASSIGNED IN THE STATION TODAY, bottom line he's on duty and making out? I totally got nothing personal with police officer, but what a shame one stain can ruin a whole basket of milk.
I'm not saying anything anymore, i'll let you guys decide.... Have a nice day, and take a good care of your belonging ladies :)
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