Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Lunar New Year Family Dinner

Warning : I'm not a good photographer, it may not seem yummy but trust me... it taste mmmm....

It's a tradition for family gathering and dine together on the Lunar new year's eve. As always @ 7 PM we sit and had our dinner, while my restaurant is still open. Yes, we also open on holiday, because it's the most peak season of the year. Hopefully this year will bring us more luck, health, prosperity, and everything good. Happy Lunar New Year for those who celebrate and happy holiday for who doesn't ^^

My favourite meal is " Pecking Duck", i don't know why, it just taste yummy, plus it has meat and mushroom and egg also pork :D fill inside the tummy of the duck. I'm drolling just to mention it.
The whole meal...
5 dishes and one vegetarian noodles i forgot to took the picture ;p

mushroom veggie

bak kien *dunno what's the english name*

Shark's Fin Soup - it's kinda pricey but so WORTH the price

pecking duck... when nobody touched it yet

Fish belly bean sauce *spicy yummy*
me :"dad, look here" dad:"hmm..." *chewing :s *

let's eatt
My dearest mom cook the whole dishes. She and my dad complete each other skill when it come's to food. My dad and my mom's very good chef, they both got it from experience, but will tell about you ladies later..
Enjoy, and feel free to drop any comment ^^

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