I did my groceries shopping couple days ago, and in the groceries store near my house i found this kinda cute stuff for only Rp 6500 (approx $7).
Consist 10 sheet every pouch, didn't find a bigger size yet so i don't know if there was any.
ingredients |
I probably should start blogging about "no-no" ingredients for beauty product. Because i aware some of you got allergic reaction though some kind of chemical. So maybe it'll help before you decided to buy stuff.
What can this sheet do and when is the best time to use it, they made a cool picture behind.
- After riding a bike or motorcycle
- After workout
- After going home from a walk
- Before bed time
I think it's pretty cool, i will do review later after i tried this for cleansing face. Currently i just use it before bedtime, after cleansing and washing my face, and put it until it dries up a bit on my break out skin (period is comiiin >.<). It did dried up the acnes a bit if i left it about 3-5 minutes on my break out skin that has acnes on it.
The texture is lovable, it's not similar with some of wet tissue i've ever tried.
Can't wait to use it until finished and give you guys review. KEEP FABULOUS ^^
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