Hai.. so on this post i already explained that i'm joining a contest held by FashioneseDaily.com here
The first one i choose the theme Vintage, and the second one just random outfit that i don't think had a tiny bit of chance haha.. And today i feel like wearing coat because it was raining like forever in Bandung >.< so cold.
How to make it more interesting? Aha.. Why don't we make it fun with adding some Tutu Skirt.
And for this entry i choose Color on the same Color Wheel but still wearable for daily, some people might not comfortable adding colors and pattern for the outfit, but don't give up. We can spice it a bit with adding more than one statement items on our outfit without look TOO MUCH.
Let's go!
Feat : Ms. Lola Kasamira, she took this lovely pictures.
Trench coat : Korean OL Shop
Inner : Unbranded dress, but i used it as top
Tutu Skirt : Unbranded Korean Ol SHop
Skinny Black Belt : Unbranded
Shawl : 2 shawl, silver bling - unbranded ; silver - Mars & Venus
Sandal lollipop : somewhere in Bangkok
Bag : Mum's
As you can see, i got some statement items on my outfit, Trench Coat, Tutu Skirt, Lollipop sandals, and even though it's so much going on, it's not look too much, because the color is still on the same chart on color wheel, i got purple (top), peach (tutu skirt), magenta (lollipop sandal), and pink (bag). And the coat is on neutral color, so it kinda wrapped up the whole look.
The other contestants were AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think i had a tiny bit of chance to win, but this is fun. I was force to think more creative than usual, and apparently more people is way more CRAZY TALENTED at this stuff, may the best men win. I'm sure the judges already got a headache now picking the winner haha...
Anyway, have a nice day you ^^
Senin, 20 Februari 2012
Minggu, 19 Februari 2012
Review of Vitacid 0,025%
Hey, i'm not too excited about this post. I supposed because i'm not really an expert about skin care thingy, so i don't think i can do a perfect review. But i'm not gonna stop, and will try my best. As usual if you guys have any question, most welcome to ask. Thanks in advance pretties ^^
So, in this post i already show you what is my current skin care routine. And on this post i already posted the additional weekly routine.
As you guys know, i was so excited about "cheap but great" thingy, and read so many good reviews about them, so i decided to try them out myself, since i want to stop from my current dermatologist range of skincare. I don't want to get addiction on them, because i find it hard to bear if one day i got plato* and need to upgrade to heavier formula of them, just scares me.
*Plato is the phase where your skin stop reacting to one certain product or cream, and have to switch to another formula in order to maintain the best condition of your skin.
Why i decided to try all those drugstore skin care regimen, because i did a little research and that fit best to my skin condition at this moment.
Vitacid 0,025%
Where i got it and how much?
At pharmacist, and cost me IDR 22.000 (approx $2,5)
How to used it?
Best at night, this retinoic acid is not really best friend with the sun.
And in the morning we have to use sunscreen if we wore the retinoid acid thingy at night.
After use this thin layer, i waited for around one minute and continue with Gizi Super Cream, and Egyptian Magic Cream as eye cream.
While using vitacid is combining it with the other regimen that contains exfoliating like salicylic acid, sulfur, resorcinol, benzoil peroxide. And best not exposed to the sun.
This is the lightest formula of Vitacid, they have 3 range of formula, that contains 0,025% retinoic acid, 0,5% retinoic acid, and 1% of retinoic acid. I decided to get myself the lightest formula because i never ever had chemical peeling before. And people suggest me to started with the lightest first.
I suffer from acnes probably almost 6 month now, and the scar didn't fade like usual, and it devastated me, really. I became not confident at all if not wearing concealer or foundation on my face.
I recall and didn't find anything strange on my eating and sleeping habits, also not in stressful condition, so what caused those acnes? Well to be fair, most of us ladies got one ot two before period, but that's it. Now? It was like nightmare.
After i survey-d around my house, then i realized. It was the water, we got clean water problem on this house. The water contains dirt, and i took pictures from my Blackberry when it was really really chocolate. Don't believe me, take a look by yourself, how my washtafel look like now.
See the chocolate stain? I did it purposely not cleaning it for a week, so you guys can see the water stain becomes DARK. I even used water filter and socks to cover the water pipe, but still got that chocolate stain, huh!
I used vitacid 0,025% about a month now, and i'm quite ok of the result but not really that satisfied.
I still got acne spot on my face, altho' it faded a bit. Not give back my flawless face.
After one week of using, i feel sting when i wash my face, and put moisturizer on it. Even sting in the morning while i put moisturizer on. And there's time that i couldn't bear it. They said it was the peeling reaction. Ah, BEAUTY IS PAIN!
And after two weeks of using my face start exfoliating the dead skin ( i wish that was the dead skin).
See, the acne scars and spot still there, but the color turns to a bit pinkish not really dark anymore.
Now i didn't suffer from sting while washing my face, but if i put Gizi Super Cream as moisturizer it still sting a tiny bit. And in the morning i didn't feel anything at all.
Honestly, i prefer my face before i used this Vitacid 0,025% when i was just using papaya soap and sugar on my face, it was more supple and moist. Now it dries, really dries.
I don't know if that's normal while chemical peeling, anybody can help me out on this?
My face before using Vitacid
Is it me, or it was more "light" than now?
To be fair, i got back from my home town recently, so i got tanned as always. Well.. i'm gonna keep using this for two more weeks as night care, after that will use it as prevention if i got acnes only.
The brocure said that after using this cream, the black head and pimples will start show up because it clean deeply, and it makes our face looks horrible, i think this is what people called purging. And sadly i'm those who not lucky and got it.
So, in this post i already show you what is my current skin care routine. And on this post i already posted the additional weekly routine.
As you guys know, i was so excited about "cheap but great" thingy, and read so many good reviews about them, so i decided to try them out myself, since i want to stop from my current dermatologist range of skincare. I don't want to get addiction on them, because i find it hard to bear if one day i got plato* and need to upgrade to heavier formula of them, just scares me.
*Plato is the phase where your skin stop reacting to one certain product or cream, and have to switch to another formula in order to maintain the best condition of your skin.
Why i decided to try all those drugstore skin care regimen, because i did a little research and that fit best to my skin condition at this moment.
Vitacid 0,025%
Where i got it and how much?
At pharmacist, and cost me IDR 22.000 (approx $2,5)
How to used it?
Best at night, this retinoic acid is not really best friend with the sun.
And in the morning we have to use sunscreen if we wore the retinoid acid thingy at night.
After use this thin layer, i waited for around one minute and continue with Gizi Super Cream, and Egyptian Magic Cream as eye cream.
While using vitacid is combining it with the other regimen that contains exfoliating like salicylic acid, sulfur, resorcinol, benzoil peroxide. And best not exposed to the sun.
This is the lightest formula of Vitacid, they have 3 range of formula, that contains 0,025% retinoic acid, 0,5% retinoic acid, and 1% of retinoic acid. I decided to get myself the lightest formula because i never ever had chemical peeling before. And people suggest me to started with the lightest first.
I suffer from acnes probably almost 6 month now, and the scar didn't fade like usual, and it devastated me, really. I became not confident at all if not wearing concealer or foundation on my face.
I recall and didn't find anything strange on my eating and sleeping habits, also not in stressful condition, so what caused those acnes? Well to be fair, most of us ladies got one ot two before period, but that's it. Now? It was like nightmare.
After i survey-d around my house, then i realized. It was the water, we got clean water problem on this house. The water contains dirt, and i took pictures from my Blackberry when it was really really chocolate. Don't believe me, take a look by yourself, how my washtafel look like now.
See the chocolate stain? I did it purposely not cleaning it for a week, so you guys can see the water stain becomes DARK. I even used water filter and socks to cover the water pipe, but still got that chocolate stain, huh!
I used vitacid 0,025% about a month now, and i'm quite ok of the result but not really that satisfied.
I still got acne spot on my face, altho' it faded a bit. Not give back my flawless face.
After one week of using, i feel sting when i wash my face, and put moisturizer on it. Even sting in the morning while i put moisturizer on. And there's time that i couldn't bear it. They said it was the peeling reaction. Ah, BEAUTY IS PAIN!
And after two weeks of using my face start exfoliating the dead skin ( i wish that was the dead skin).
Left |
Right |
Now i didn't suffer from sting while washing my face, but if i put Gizi Super Cream as moisturizer it still sting a tiny bit. And in the morning i didn't feel anything at all.
Honestly, i prefer my face before i used this Vitacid 0,025% when i was just using papaya soap and sugar on my face, it was more supple and moist. Now it dries, really dries.
I don't know if that's normal while chemical peeling, anybody can help me out on this?
My face before using Vitacid
Is it me, or it was more "light" than now?
To be fair, i got back from my home town recently, so i got tanned as always. Well.. i'm gonna keep using this for two more weeks as night care, after that will use it as prevention if i got acnes only.
The brocure said that after using this cream, the black head and pimples will start show up because it clean deeply, and it makes our face looks horrible, i think this is what people called purging. And sadly i'm those who not lucky and got it.
Selasa, 14 Februari 2012
Aztec Secret - Indian Clay Mask Review
Have you ever heard of Aztec Clay Mask (ACM) before? I have, searching through google trying to find some cheap but great mask, well one or two years ago, before i started blogging. But that time i was clueless where to get it, because i didn't know anyone who opened a spree to get this. Yeah i believe some of the seller is from www.amazon.com or www.iherb.com and i live here in beautiful tropical country, Indonesia.
I got this in a sample jar, so i don't own the original jar, but i bet you guys know how it looks like or just google it if you are curious. It has various size, 1lb (454gr) for approx. $6-$8, and 2 lb (908gr) approx. $11-$24 depends on where you get it, i noticed it was cheaper on iherb than amazon.
This is the official website of ACM hope you can find more information there, it also explained what diferent ways to use this clay, for those who is clueless (like me) here
ACM can be mixed with apple cider vinegar (organic is best), with tea tree, with Vit. C, with Honey and also Water (even though some said it was not quite comfortable because it's not blend well if mixed with water). It can be used on only for your face but for your foot, and body. I read some reviews that they used this for their back acnes also. AND APPLY + MIX THIS WITH NON METAL material, i used plastic spoon and empty night cream jar made of plastic to mix this.
Now on to review, i used this twice already, and both mixed with my Viva Lemon Toner.
The left pictures shows my face during the treatment of chemical peeling.
2 The empty jar where i mixed the ACM
The bottom on the Right side is Viva Lemon Toner
How i used this clay :
1 Clean the empty jar with alcohol and let it dry
2 I clean my face, and make sure it dry before i started putting ACM on.
3 I take plastic spoon, and put that in the empty jar, and add the Toner, mix it well until it got the density i want, usually until the texture is similar with paste a bit thick but not too thick.
4 Because i lost my mask brush, i applied this with my finger all over my face and let it dry usually takes around 10-15 minutes.
Now on to the review
I sadly couldn't find apple cider vinegar on the groceries store nearby my house, they said it smells awful but it was the best way to mix this ACM.
First time i used ACM, i feel pulling and tightening sensation, also sting a bit, and itch. But i think it was because the mask is working, after drying (approx 15 mins) i rinse it off with warm water and my face feel smooth, and i got no red mark whatsoever (some might have this after using), i just feel the skin was supple and tight around the eye area. Which i like, it means the skin around my eyes area is tightening. And i feel sleepy afterward, LOL.
Second time, i was using lots make up my face was suffering from chemical peeling, and still using the same way,i put this mask on, but i didn't mixed it well, still got some part that not mixed well, and the texture is not as paste as first time, and it takes longer to dries which was torture, it stings, and itch, the tightening and pulling sensation is not as WOW as first time. Just the itch and sting really got into my nerve >.<
After rinse, i noticed some of the white head still around on T area, and i don't wanna makes it worse by squeezing it so i deal with it with my Biore Pore Pack. And yes my skin feel smoother after using this ACM.
- I like the fact that this is CHEAP esp if you got the 2lb it will takes forever to finish, and did makes my face feel supple and smooth afterward. - Got expired date on the original jar.
- I don't have to measure the time, if it already cracked it means it's ok to rinse.
- I noticed some small acnes dries out after using this mask.
-Damn i'm too lazy for this, i really hate the mixing part and the pulling and itch and sting sensation (but hey.. BEAUTY IS PAIN) LOL :p
- I hate the fact that we don't have it here locally, have to bought this overseas which cost more money for shipping.
- The white head is not dissapearing, have to take it off with other stuff.
Yes, in full size.
My very best way to wear this :
1 Follow the direction which is not using metal material, and rinse it with warm water after
2 Mix your ACM well, too thick takes forever to dries, and too thin is not gonna work best, one or one and half table spoon of ACM will do.
3 Make sure your face is clean before using this.
4 After using, put toner to close the pore and thin layer of cream or moisturizer.
I hoped i explained it well, if you do have question just comment on this post, i'll try my best to answer based on my experience.
Thank you, and Happy Valentine ^^
I got this in a sample jar, so i don't own the original jar, but i bet you guys know how it looks like or just google it if you are curious. It has various size, 1lb (454gr) for approx. $6-$8, and 2 lb (908gr) approx. $11-$24 depends on where you get it, i noticed it was cheaper on iherb than amazon.
This is the official website of ACM hope you can find more information there, it also explained what diferent ways to use this clay, for those who is clueless (like me) here
ACM can be mixed with apple cider vinegar (organic is best), with tea tree, with Vit. C, with Honey and also Water (even though some said it was not quite comfortable because it's not blend well if mixed with water). It can be used on only for your face but for your foot, and body. I read some reviews that they used this for their back acnes also. AND APPLY + MIX THIS WITH NON METAL material, i used plastic spoon and empty night cream jar made of plastic to mix this.
Now on to review, i used this twice already, and both mixed with my Viva Lemon Toner.
The left pictures shows my face during the treatment of chemical peeling.
2 The empty jar where i mixed the ACM
The bottom on the Right side is Viva Lemon Toner
How i used this clay :
1 Clean the empty jar with alcohol and let it dry
2 I clean my face, and make sure it dry before i started putting ACM on.
3 I take plastic spoon, and put that in the empty jar, and add the Toner, mix it well until it got the density i want, usually until the texture is similar with paste a bit thick but not too thick.
4 Because i lost my mask brush, i applied this with my finger all over my face and let it dry usually takes around 10-15 minutes.
![]() |
see the right picture, if you wore it too thick it takes forever to dry |
Now on to the review
I sadly couldn't find apple cider vinegar on the groceries store nearby my house, they said it smells awful but it was the best way to mix this ACM.
First time i used ACM, i feel pulling and tightening sensation, also sting a bit, and itch. But i think it was because the mask is working, after drying (approx 15 mins) i rinse it off with warm water and my face feel smooth, and i got no red mark whatsoever (some might have this after using), i just feel the skin was supple and tight around the eye area. Which i like, it means the skin around my eyes area is tightening. And i feel sleepy afterward, LOL.
Second time, i was using lots make up my face was suffering from chemical peeling, and still using the same way,i put this mask on, but i didn't mixed it well, still got some part that not mixed well, and the texture is not as paste as first time, and it takes longer to dries which was torture, it stings, and itch, the tightening and pulling sensation is not as WOW as first time. Just the itch and sting really got into my nerve >.<
After rinse, i noticed some of the white head still around on T area, and i don't wanna makes it worse by squeezing it so i deal with it with my Biore Pore Pack. And yes my skin feel smoother after using this ACM.
- I like the fact that this is CHEAP esp if you got the 2lb it will takes forever to finish, and did makes my face feel supple and smooth afterward. - Got expired date on the original jar.
- I don't have to measure the time, if it already cracked it means it's ok to rinse.
- I noticed some small acnes dries out after using this mask.
-Damn i'm too lazy for this, i really hate the mixing part and the pulling and itch and sting sensation (but hey.. BEAUTY IS PAIN) LOL :p
- I hate the fact that we don't have it here locally, have to bought this overseas which cost more money for shipping.
- The white head is not dissapearing, have to take it off with other stuff.
Yes, in full size.
My very best way to wear this :
1 Follow the direction which is not using metal material, and rinse it with warm water after
2 Mix your ACM well, too thick takes forever to dries, and too thin is not gonna work best, one or one and half table spoon of ACM will do.
3 Make sure your face is clean before using this.
4 After using, put toner to close the pore and thin layer of cream or moisturizer.
I hoped i explained it well, if you do have question just comment on this post, i'll try my best to answer based on my experience.
Thank you, and Happy Valentine ^^
My First Entry For A Contest
So my playground, FD is having a contest for both Today's Outfit and Face Of The Day, i'm so excited. And decided since i missed all the previous contest, am not gonna miss this time. Just want to upgrade my taste, mix and match thingy. Win or loose doesn't matter, the process is learning, of course hoping to win ( THEY HAVE AMAZING PRIZE), if i win that will be a HUGE bonus, anyway it's always fun to look at other's entry, i belive the judges will choose the best to win. I screwed up for the Face Of The Day, gonna give it another try tomorrow.
Anyway need your support (wish me luck) haha....
For the entry of today's outfit, i decided to wear my mom's vintage bag. She owned this since forever, i believe this bag is almost 20 years old, from white it turns to broken white and there's stain inside the bag, but doesn't matter, the outside is still pretty. I LOVE IT....
Oh almost forgot, the rules is minimum 5 different color for the outfit. Here's what i come up with, what do you think? I got a chance? ;p
Outer : F21
Top : Pepper +
Maxi Skirt : Unbranded
Belt : Unbranded
Shoes : Catwalk - BTC
Bag : Mum's vintage bag
Anyway need your support (wish me luck) haha....
For the entry of today's outfit, i decided to wear my mom's vintage bag. She owned this since forever, i believe this bag is almost 20 years old, from white it turns to broken white and there's stain inside the bag, but doesn't matter, the outside is still pretty. I LOVE IT....
Oh almost forgot, the rules is minimum 5 different color for the outfit. Here's what i come up with, what do you think? I got a chance? ;p
Outer : F21
Top : Pepper +
Maxi Skirt : Unbranded
Belt : Unbranded
Shoes : Catwalk - BTC
Bag : Mum's vintage bag
Rabu, 08 Februari 2012
Sneak Peek to My Traincase (Cheek)
The sequel of the tour around my vanity, this post is gonna be all about cheek. See the Face section HERE
I just realize i have so many blush, and it's on the pinkish and coral range. Because i think it's suit all skin tone, from NC to NW. I'm still longing for the Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge though. I'm in love with everything that has "dual function", save my money haha..
First i'd like to introduce you to my newest family, come in yesterday bought from sasa.com
It's Cameleon Profesional Make Up Palette shade 02, gonna swatch and review it on different post. I'm so excited about this, it's HUGE!!! It cost around $12 in their website, but i have to pay much more due to the size and yeah i lived in Indonesia, you know how expensive the shipping cost >.<
Let's move on.
You guys know what they are! I bet! :)
1 Cameleon Profesional Make Up Palette shade 02
2 Amuse Blush Palette
3 ELF Cool Bronzer
4 ELF Warm Bronzer
Second one i have to admit (shame) that i still got my blush from yesteryear :p i feel not throwing them, but maybe give it to someone or just using it to do random FOTD.
1 Inez blush on in Autumn Rose
2 Inez blush on in Gold Dipped Brick
3 Oriflame Bronzing Pearls
4 NYX cream blush in Boho Chic
5 Benefit Feelin' Cheeky
6 ELF all over color stick in Pink Lemonade
7 Samples from Mineral blush on (not really sure what brand but i think it was EM)
8 NYX cream blush in Glow and below that is NYX cream blush in Orange
9 L'oreal blush delice in Sweet Watermelon
10 Maybelline brush blush in Watermelon
11 PAC blush on no.08
12 LT Pro blush on no.08
That pretty much it, i rarely use the cream blush on now, what stays in my vanity table is the NYC bronzer and the RedA Translucent powder for highlighting, and just realize after i took this picture. But you guys know what it looks like, afterall i used it in many of my FOTD's.
If you asked me what's my favourite, i have to say (until now) is the Amuse Blush Palette. It's stays almost all day in my face, so i didn't have to retouch my make up if i went out. And the ELF Cool Bronzer, it has a nice white color on the quad, so i can use it to highlight also, not time consuming using this dual thingy stuff, me likey.
What do you think my fantabulous? Curious what gonna be next month, please stay with me ^^
I just realize i have so many blush, and it's on the pinkish and coral range. Because i think it's suit all skin tone, from NC to NW. I'm still longing for the Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge though. I'm in love with everything that has "dual function", save my money haha..
First i'd like to introduce you to my newest family, come in yesterday bought from sasa.com
It's Cameleon Profesional Make Up Palette shade 02, gonna swatch and review it on different post. I'm so excited about this, it's HUGE!!! It cost around $12 in their website, but i have to pay much more due to the size and yeah i lived in Indonesia, you know how expensive the shipping cost >.<
Let's move on.
You guys know what they are! I bet! :)
1 Cameleon Profesional Make Up Palette shade 02
2 Amuse Blush Palette
3 ELF Cool Bronzer
4 ELF Warm Bronzer
Second one i have to admit (shame) that i still got my blush from yesteryear :p i feel not throwing them, but maybe give it to someone or just using it to do random FOTD.
1 Inez blush on in Autumn Rose
2 Inez blush on in Gold Dipped Brick
3 Oriflame Bronzing Pearls
4 NYX cream blush in Boho Chic
5 Benefit Feelin' Cheeky
6 ELF all over color stick in Pink Lemonade
7 Samples from Mineral blush on (not really sure what brand but i think it was EM)
8 NYX cream blush in Glow and below that is NYX cream blush in Orange
9 L'oreal blush delice in Sweet Watermelon
10 Maybelline brush blush in Watermelon
11 PAC blush on no.08
12 LT Pro blush on no.08
That pretty much it, i rarely use the cream blush on now, what stays in my vanity table is the NYC bronzer and the RedA Translucent powder for highlighting, and just realize after i took this picture. But you guys know what it looks like, afterall i used it in many of my FOTD's.
If you asked me what's my favourite, i have to say (until now) is the Amuse Blush Palette. It's stays almost all day in my face, so i didn't have to retouch my make up if i went out. And the ELF Cool Bronzer, it has a nice white color on the quad, so i can use it to highlight also, not time consuming using this dual thingy stuff, me likey.
What do you think my fantabulous? Curious what gonna be next month, please stay with me ^^
Minggu, 05 Februari 2012
2012 DAILY Skin Care Routine
After a month trial, and i am ready to give you my current skin care regime.
I suffer from acnes, pimples and lots of break outs and flakyness lately, because i stop using dermatologist products (from dr. Liz house of skincare) for almost 6 month and didn't go facial for almost a year now, also the lazy-ness to wash my face before bed. Bad decision, but i prefer that way so my skin has the chance to regenerate and not depending on the dermatologist products. If i have a major problem on my face then i would give my dermatologist another try, but since i am using that products for years i think i have to find another dermatologist (more expensive ones).
I am totally newbie on ingredients, and currently learning about it, yeah better late than never right?
After doing research and lots of supermarket window shopping, here's what best for my skin right now.
I decided to go for supermarket skincare, because :
* It is easy to find, i don't have to wait for another month to have it on my vanity table
* The products is the "dupe" of high end product that contains one or two good ingredients for my skin, such as Gizi supercream contains seaweed that Lamer also has, but yeah maybe in tiny tiny bit. But hey, i honestly can't affor Lamer right now LOL :D
* Try to keep it affordable and make it into "Cheap but Great" section. Anyway, it's the purpose of the blog yeah?
What is the best way to take care of your skin?
It will be the same all over if you google-d it, allow me to mild reminding you that they are : Cleansing - Moisturizing - Extra Care (cream for acnes, serum, sun screen etc)
Mild Cleansing
1 Viva Yoghurt All in One milk cleanser - Brightening and Oil Controlling
2 Viva Lemon Toner - Oil Control and help control acne prone skin
For afternoon usage, if i arrived at home and didn't have to go anywhere else. I noticed if i washed my face more than 2 times a day it got oily but have some dry patches on my cheek, so this is the best way for me. I can clean up the mess (mascara, and make up) before i went to bed with deep cleansing.
Deep Cleansing
1 Kose Softymo Cleansing Oil
2 Sari Ayu Anti Acne Facial Foam
3 RDL Papaya Transparent Soap - Brightening skin
4 Sugar - Exfoliate dead cells
I wash my face depends on my skin condition, as a woman, we ofter get break out if we were having period and we got pimples that annoying, i use Sari Ayu Anti Acne Facial Wash during pimples time, and RDL Soap with sugar on normal condition. I didn't use any of milk cleanser before, just toner after washing my face.
Before you went to sleep make sure to wash over all the dirt and make up that already on your face all day. If you didn't wash your face and sleep right in to it, your pore will clogged and God knows what will come in the morning, yeah hellow pimples :(
1. For me, if i didn't use any make up just loose powder on my face i will go with Viva Milk Cleanser first and then washing my face with the facial cleanser (Sari Ayu during my period time, and if i have tiny pimples on me), on regular day i will use the RDL Soap with sugar and Viva Lemon toner afterward.
2. If i used make up such as foundation and so, i will first cleanse it with Viva Yoghurt cleansing milk, Kose Softymo Cleansing Oil, then wash my face with Sari Ayu/RDL with sugar (depends on the skin condition as explained in #1), and Viva Lemon toner after.
We have to used toner,after washing our face and before we put moisturizer or serum or night cream to our face, because when we washed our face some might stay, and it helps clean out the stain from our milk cleanser or soap that we used previously, drying the skin in order to reduce the oil, also to help the skin to prepare to receiving the cream (moisturizer, sun screen, etc) that we are gonna use after.
Toner is also to tighten or close the pore after washing our face, and it has the capability to absorb to our skin better than cream, so it's good if you have dark spot and pimples it can help to reduce it.
Some uses astringent instead, from what i understand (CMIIW), the different is depends on the skin type, astringent is often used for those who has oily, acneic, normal, or combination skin type because astringent contains alcohol. And even though some of this toner contains alcohol also, toner fits best to those who has dry, sun damaged, or sensitive because astringent will makes your skin even dry-er.
1 Sari Ayu Putih Langsat (for all skin type) contains sun screen.
2 Wardah Sun Screen Gel
3 Vitacid 0.025
4 Gizi Super Cream (New packaging)
After i washed my face and toner, i use the Sari Ayu Putih Langsat, wait for it to absorb, and then using the Wardah Sun Screen Gel, wait for it to absorb. And then i can go straight with my vanity, make up or no make up depends on the mood and occasion.
After i washed my face and toner, i used Vitacid 0.025 for my acne and (it claims) to reduce the dark spot, followed with Gizi Super Cream.
Extra Care
I used this to replace Gizi Super Cream as night cream if my face really drying on some area, and i used this as my daily cream for eyes.
That's it. And it work best on my face for now, i'm curious to peek on your skin care regime also. Post it for me pretty please? Cheers :)
I suffer from acnes, pimples and lots of break outs and flakyness lately, because i stop using dermatologist products (from dr. Liz house of skincare) for almost 6 month and didn't go facial for almost a year now, also the lazy-ness to wash my face before bed. Bad decision, but i prefer that way so my skin has the chance to regenerate and not depending on the dermatologist products. If i have a major problem on my face then i would give my dermatologist another try, but since i am using that products for years i think i have to find another dermatologist (more expensive ones).
I am totally newbie on ingredients, and currently learning about it, yeah better late than never right?
After doing research and lots of supermarket window shopping, here's what best for my skin right now.
I decided to go for supermarket skincare, because :
* It is easy to find, i don't have to wait for another month to have it on my vanity table
* The products is the "dupe" of high end product that contains one or two good ingredients for my skin, such as Gizi supercream contains seaweed that Lamer also has, but yeah maybe in tiny tiny bit. But hey, i honestly can't affor Lamer right now LOL :D
* Try to keep it affordable and make it into "Cheap but Great" section. Anyway, it's the purpose of the blog yeah?
What is the best way to take care of your skin?
It will be the same all over if you google-d it, allow me to mild reminding you that they are : Cleansing - Moisturizing - Extra Care (cream for acnes, serum, sun screen etc)
Mild Cleansing
1 Viva Yoghurt All in One milk cleanser - Brightening and Oil Controlling
2 Viva Lemon Toner - Oil Control and help control acne prone skin
For afternoon usage, if i arrived at home and didn't have to go anywhere else. I noticed if i washed my face more than 2 times a day it got oily but have some dry patches on my cheek, so this is the best way for me. I can clean up the mess (mascara, and make up) before i went to bed with deep cleansing.
Deep Cleansing
1 Kose Softymo Cleansing Oil
2 Sari Ayu Anti Acne Facial Foam
3 RDL Papaya Transparent Soap - Brightening skin
4 Sugar - Exfoliate dead cells
I wash my face depends on my skin condition, as a woman, we ofter get break out if we were having period and we got pimples that annoying, i use Sari Ayu Anti Acne Facial Wash during pimples time, and RDL Soap with sugar on normal condition. I didn't use any of milk cleanser before, just toner after washing my face.
Before you went to sleep make sure to wash over all the dirt and make up that already on your face all day. If you didn't wash your face and sleep right in to it, your pore will clogged and God knows what will come in the morning, yeah hellow pimples :(
1. For me, if i didn't use any make up just loose powder on my face i will go with Viva Milk Cleanser first and then washing my face with the facial cleanser (Sari Ayu during my period time, and if i have tiny pimples on me), on regular day i will use the RDL Soap with sugar and Viva Lemon toner afterward.
2. If i used make up such as foundation and so, i will first cleanse it with Viva Yoghurt cleansing milk, Kose Softymo Cleansing Oil, then wash my face with Sari Ayu/RDL with sugar (depends on the skin condition as explained in #1), and Viva Lemon toner after.
We have to used toner,after washing our face and before we put moisturizer or serum or night cream to our face, because when we washed our face some might stay, and it helps clean out the stain from our milk cleanser or soap that we used previously, drying the skin in order to reduce the oil, also to help the skin to prepare to receiving the cream (moisturizer, sun screen, etc) that we are gonna use after.
Toner is also to tighten or close the pore after washing our face, and it has the capability to absorb to our skin better than cream, so it's good if you have dark spot and pimples it can help to reduce it.
Some uses astringent instead, from what i understand (CMIIW), the different is depends on the skin type, astringent is often used for those who has oily, acneic, normal, or combination skin type because astringent contains alcohol. And even though some of this toner contains alcohol also, toner fits best to those who has dry, sun damaged, or sensitive because astringent will makes your skin even dry-er.
1 Sari Ayu Putih Langsat (for all skin type) contains sun screen.
2 Wardah Sun Screen Gel
3 Vitacid 0.025
4 Gizi Super Cream (New packaging)
After i washed my face and toner, i use the Sari Ayu Putih Langsat, wait for it to absorb, and then using the Wardah Sun Screen Gel, wait for it to absorb. And then i can go straight with my vanity, make up or no make up depends on the mood and occasion.
After i washed my face and toner, i used Vitacid 0.025 for my acne and (it claims) to reduce the dark spot, followed with Gizi Super Cream.
Extra Care
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Egyptian Magic Cream |
That's it. And it work best on my face for now, i'm curious to peek on your skin care regime also. Post it for me pretty please? Cheers :)
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